Stadium HD Acrylic Print
from $65.00
Please choose School & size of print. All prints come 1/4” Acrylic Face with WhitePhoto paper, 1/8” Black Sintra backing, & a Natural-Wood Mount.
**4x6 & 5x7 sizes DO NOT include a Natural-Wood Mount.
Production Time - 9-12 Days - Shipping - Receive locally 2-3 days post production.
Please choose School & size of print. All prints come 1/4” Acrylic Face with WhitePhoto paper, 1/8” Black Sintra backing, & a Natural-Wood Mount.
**4x6 & 5x7 sizes DO NOT include a Natural-Wood Mount.
Production Time - 9-12 Days - Shipping - Receive locally 2-3 days post production.
Please choose School & size of print. All prints come 1/4” Acrylic Face with WhitePhoto paper, 1/8” Black Sintra backing, & a Natural-Wood Mount.
**4x6 & 5x7 sizes DO NOT include a Natural-Wood Mount.