No Control over Time

Tonight, I was looking through an old photo album on my phone and noticed a group of images I took of the 4 of us on February 11, 2017. It was on a Saturday because part of this day we went to the park. All we did was just enjoy the day. Ross was about to turn 1, and Kaitlyn wasn’t even 6 yet. And Angela, well, she was her usual beautiful self. There were so many things I loved about this day. More than anything is just that they were our babies. They were having fun with each other. Ross looked up to her big Sis. I know he always will. All I could do as I looked through this album was cry. Because now they are 9 & 14. In just 8 short years, they have grown into bigger people. Time moves so fast doesn’t it?

I guess where I’m going with this is that I always thought I had all the time in the world. I am notorious for saying - “Oh not today, we can do it the next day, this weekend, this summer, next year…” But in a blink of an eye, all that time is gone! The most important years are gone. I can’t get them back. The only thing left I have to say is enjoy the smallest moments today. They absolutely become the thing you remember most later down the road.


February is almost gone…