Welcome to the Blog!
Good Morning & Happy Saturday!
One thing you don’t see anymore is blogs! (at least I don’t). Seems like if we have a random thought or pivotal moment in our life, we instantly share on social media. I’ll admit it, I’ve done the same thing for years. Always looking for how many likes, loves, cares, etc I would get on a personal post. Don’t get me wrong, I have loved sharing those moments. Then if I didn’t get any reactions, I would worry that the post wasn’t good, inspiring, or just downright stupid. Not anymore.
I wanted to create this blog as a place to share all of those random thoughts or pivotal updates. Take a break from sharing all of my personal moments on social media. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I will always share all of the happenings going on with great company announcements, promotions, etc. That is my career and I am always committed to my company’s 4 incredible brands! But as far as personal happenings, that is what this blog is for. Possibly a couple of times a month, sharing family happenings and random thoughts, but taking a break from sharing personal or random thoughts on social media.
This blog will be all about personal growth, milestones, memories, inspirational stories, and of course, photography & cinema!
I invite you to join/follow this blog and hopefully, something we share will inspire you